The exhibition “Between Imaginaries & Encounters: Young People from Diyarbakır and Muğla Speak” is based on oral history interviews conducted between 2011-12. The interviews consist of conversations which focus on the ways young people remember their own and their family’s past, their perceptions of the contemporary period, their life experiences, everyday lives and their views on current issues.
This exhibition treats and processes the archive produced in the course of this research from a variety of standpoints. The exhibition zones in on young people’s narratives concerning their own and their family’s past, their attempts to understand and make sense of their lives and the era in which they came of age, migration and geographical mobility, the economic activities they initiate or are effected by, and their encounters and experiences.
- layers: type, structures, video and audio: multiple voices, everchanging statements, overlapping and juxtaposing arguments. ephemeral choice of material and application (staples on the wall).
-plexi glass, wood, xerox paper